Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome to A Million Miles!

I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time and after many technical difficulties it is finally here! It is far from perfect, but I’m still working on it so don’t be too hard on me ;) 

I started an instagram (@amillionmiless) dedicated to healthy eating 8 months ago, the purpose was to inspire myself and hopefully others to live a healthier life and eat as colourful as possible = looots of fruit and veggies! It turned out to so much more successful than I had ever dreamt of – both because it helped me change my eating habits and make 2013 my healthiest year so far, but also because I gained so many amazing followers who are not only a constant motivation, but also such an inspiration to me.

Starting this blog feels like a natural continuance to my posts on instagram and I want to use this blog to continue inspiring myself (and others) to eat healthy, but also to pursue a new goal; to be better and more creative in the kitchen! Even though 2013 was my healthiest year yet it was also the year where I got the habbit of eating breakfast’ish meals at all times of the day, haha it needs to stop! So I’m hoping this blog will help me be more creative and diverse with my cooking + it will also be so much easier for me to share recipes and step-by-step pictures here. I hope you’ll like the blog; constructive criticism, suggestions and requests are very welcome!

Lots of love Signe

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